Jan 14 – Hike: Walkabout in Hosp Grove Park, Carlsbad.
9:30 AM, Saturday, January 14th, 2023
Meet In Mall Parking Lot at NE Corner Of Marron Rd & Monroe St.
Meet at GPS: 33.17673, -117.33680
Come along for a nice new years morning wooded walk in Hosp park hills. The area was planted with eucalyptus trees in 1908 for railroad ties use but found the wood was unusable for such. Now only 53 acres are left for city parks and trails. It’s a near 3-mile loop route mostly on dirt trails with some short hill inclines. Plan on 1.5 hours. No portapotties are available. Dogs on leash are OK. Shortcuts are available if you don’t wish to walk the full 3 miles.
Directions: From Hwy 78 exit onto Jefferson St and go south. At the stoplight intersection go straight through which becomes Marron Rd. (Jefferson turns to go by Buena Vista Lagoon). On Marron Rd, left lane, follow the curve to the next light which is Monroe St. Turn left into the mall area. Turn right by the bus terminal area and come back in the lot towards Marron Rd. Park in the lot along Marron Rd near Monroe, the northeast corner of that intersection.
Alternative routes: El Camino Real, south of hwy 78, intersects Marron Rd going west to Monroe St and into the mall lot. Or, Carlsbad Village Rd intersects Monroe St. then head north to Marron Rd and straight into the mall lot.
Info contact: text/call Vinnie Rodrig 858-231-7722 Rain cancels or check with me.