If we’re honest, most of us will say this is uncomfortable, anxiety-producing and that within it, there are things we fear. That’s real and healthy. But what if we seek and really work to use these feelings and emotions as more constructive than destructive? What if this crisis could be used as a catalyst for some real change and positive growth in our lives – dare I say even a spiritual revival?
In this Holy Week, it’s healthy to acknowledge the feelings and emotions we’re experiencing but also to realize that, while we may be physically separated right now, we are definitely not experiencing these things alone. And if we are intentional about it, each of us can likely identify others in this world who it would be good to reach out to or consider.
Perhaps this time can help us to better empathize with what the disciples may have been feeling on Good Friday or Holy Saturday. For the disciples, those days were full of confusion, uncertainty, and fear. The man who they believed would be their King and deliverer from Roman oppression; the one they had spent so many amazing times with, from whom they had learned so many things, with whom, the night before, they had just celebrated Passover, had been arrested, hauled off, brutally beaten and crucified. And now their very lives were, perhaps, likewise threatened.
But we have the benefit of knowing what they didn’t at the time. Jesus, the Christ is indeed our Messiah, our Savior, and Redeemer. He was crucified for all of our sins and then raised to life again on Resurrection Sunday. He sits on the throne at the right hand of our Heavenly Father. He is our Advocate and has left with us His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. And because of this, we can live differently and ultimately in the peace and promise that, in spite of what happens in this world, we have a God who loves and wants to spend eternity with us.
Following the physical stay-at-home and social distancing orders shouldn’t mean social isolation for any of us, regardless of how much some of us may identify as introverted. While we’ve been asked to physically isolate, we needn’t withdraw. There are many ways (see below) for each of us to stay connected and have our spirits uplifted.
Choose today how your story will be written and told. Hope is diminished in an atmosphere of high anxiety. Fear won’t triumph in an atmosphere of hope. I choose hope and pray you will, too.
How might we use our emotions and experiences to be the Church in our days; with those who don’t yet know Jesus or even for others who may be hurting?